
PHOTO: copyright 2017 by Henry RADCLIFFE
March 31-April 3, 2022
Rossum's Universal Robots (1922) by Karel Capek, New River Players, Dustin M. Mosko, director; music by B.R. Morse and the Etherphonic Theremin Orchestra, Bodenhamer Auditorium, Jacksonville, North Carolina
"At my age, I don't expect much in the way of novel musical experiences. But wrong: ...I just came from a performance of the Etherphonic Theremin Ensemble [sic], eight Theremin players...conducted by Barry Morse, in the Krannert Center, and was that ever music of the sort I had never heard before PLAYED LIVE. The theremin...was for me something one read about, and I once saw one demonstrated, but a group of eight, playing under the conductor (who I think was essentially improvising, giving signals), and themselves sometimes improvising, producing sounds and structures not really imaginable on conventional instruments, that was a really new and satisfying and very interesting experience...Bravo! And Encore!"---Bruno Nettl, Professor Emeritus of Musicology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign-September 22, 2017
"[I]t was quite a beautiful moment to see the crowd from George Saunders exit the theatre and enter the orchestra's final crescendo. That there were over 150 people watching prior to that is a testament to the level of interest this community has in the odd, the abnormal, the experimental, the mind-bending. You executed perfectly."--Seth Fein, founder, Nicodemus Agency and producer, Pygmalion Festival, Champaign, Illinois-September 26, 2017
"This Eclipse Magic party has been a lot of fun to promote. I am so glad you agreed to share your music with us that day. And I love the Exploratorium idea. I know anyone in the audience at a theremin concert harbors the fantasy of getting to go up there and wave their hands to make interesting sounds. Your group adds a really wonderful dimension and focus to our day." ---Evelyn Shapiro, Promotions Manager, Champaign Public Library-August 15, 2017
"Barry, thanks for this opportunity. It's great to get to play the theremin, and fantastic to play loud in that big room."- Tom Faux, Director, Community Center 4 the Arts, Urbana, Illinois. ETO participant-May 5, 2017.
"Thanks, Barry. It was a blast and I dug your lecture (not to mention your conducting)."-Jamie Hutchinson. ETO participant-May 9, 2017
"It was a pleasure working with you and the rest of the talented Theremin crew these past couple of days. I learned much and thoroughly enjoyed the experience." -Scott Schwartz, Archivist for Music and Fine Arts and Director Sousa Archives and Center for American Music, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. ETO participant-March 5, 2017
"It was truly a pleasure to be part of this Theremin event, and to meet all of you. I, too, learned quite a bit from Barry's fascinating lecture and from the training sessions. Wow, what an experience." -Frank Horger, Creative Director, Recording@Illinois UIUC School of Music. ETO participant- March 5, 2017
"I also thought the performance went well. It was also a lot of fun. I'm definitely on board to do it again."- David Matthew Luftig. ETO participant- March 5, 2017
"Thank you for today. Really enjoyed the experience."-Jason Finkelman, Director, Global Arts Performance Initiatives, UIUC.-ETO participant- March 5, 2017.
"I was so pleased to see so many people come out and see the was definitely a memorable and unique experience!"-Brad Olson, Education Coordinator, Krannert Art Museum, UIUC. March 5, 2017.
"I enjoyed your theremin concert...nice work!"- John Toenjes, Interactive Performance Artist; Associate Professor, Music Director, UIUC Department of Dance; Director, LAIT Laboratory for Audience Interactive Technologies. March 5, 2017.